Apply for Family Membership
By clicking on 'Submit',
- I agree to accept a 1-time entrance fee of $10.00
- I declare that all information provided to be true and correct
- I agree to be bound by the Society's By-laws and by such amendments as may from time to time be made by them.
- I hereby agree to the above monthly deduction from my salary. I understand that this decision will be credited into my applicant's account and that I shall have no claims whatsoever to the monies in the account which shall be disbursed in accordance with the nomination provided below.
Under the provision of the Co-operative Societies Act 1979, I (Proposer Name) of (Proposer NRIC No) nominate the following person (Nominee Name), (Nominee NRIC) to receive the amount standing to my credit in the Society.
Option 1
I, (Name of Principal Member) of (Principal Member NRIC No) being the (Relationship to Applicant) of (Applicant's name), (Applicant NRIC No)
hereby agree to the monthly deduction from my salary. I understand that this decision will be credited into my applicant's account and that I shall have no claims whatsoever to the monies in the account which shall be disbursed in accordance with the nomination provided below.
Option 2
I, (Applicant's name), (Applicant's NRIC No)
hereby agree to submit an Application for Standing Instruction to my Bank to effect a deduction payable to SGSCC. I agree to maintain sufficient funds in my account for the deductions.