Subscriptions Savings is compulsory. Monthly contribution shall be through salary check-off. If there is no salary check-off, payment can be made through GIRO.

By-law 8.2

The monthly subscription rate for all members who are ordinary and associate members shall be between a minimum of $10 and a maximum of $50 and placements shall be in multiples of ten dollars.

MIN - $10
MAX - $50


  • Members are not allowed to withdraw the subscription during the membership.

  • The Society pays dividends annually on Subscription Account.

  • The rate of dividend declared annually by the Society falls between 2% to 5%.

  • Dividends shall be credited into the member's Specific Deposit Savings Account and can be withdrawn upon request.

  • However, upon cessation of membership e.g. resignation, retirement, the entire amount remaining in the member's subscription account shall be refunded.